Dark Fibre – $450/ month*

conditions apply
*Month to Month Only

Key Features

5GN Dark Fibre offers a dedicated fibre pair for exclusive use and management.

Choose 5GN Dark Fibre for optimal connectivity and complete network control.

Wholesale Dark Fibre Services and Solutions

What is 5GN Dark Fibre?

Dark Fibre refers to physically laid fibre optic cables that connect different buildings and data centres. 5GN has provisioned excess capacity in these cables for leasing by different companies. This unlit and unmonitored passive optical path requires you to connect your own active equipment at each end. With 5GN Dark Fibre, you get complete control over your network, predictable costs, and flexible payment and contract terms. Choose 5GN Dark Fibre for unmatched connectivity and scalability.

Benefits of 5GN Dark Fibre

Single Price in Metro

Our dark fibre service offers a single price to connect any two data centres in the same metropolitan area, unlike other companies who charge based on distance.

Bandwidth Scalability

Dark fibre allows you to easily scale your bandwidth as your requirements grow by updating the equipment at each end. A single dark fibre pair can support multiple terabits (Tbps) of capacity.

Privacy and Security

Your network is physically dedicated to your business and is not shared at any point, providing ultimate peace of mind, and helping you demonstrate regulatory compliance. Your network is 100% private.

Control and Flexibility

With dark fibre, you can add your own equipment and build bespoke network solutions. You can choose which bandwidths and network protocols to use, providing complete control and flexibility.

Route Diversity

Network route diversity is critical for protecting your business. With dark fibre, you can design a network that is graphically diverse from other routes you may currently use or provide a secondary diverse path.